Saturday, May 5, 2012

2 Day Visit to Imulayan Farm (METSA/KNBL)

More than a week ago we held a 2-day 'organic and sustainable agriculture' workshop at Imulayan Farm here in Davao City, and we are very grateful to all the staff/volunteers there for giving us a sincere welcome to their wonderful farm. Sad to say, they don't have much fresh produce at that moment but as expected, we learned many knowledge from them as we are trying to gather ideas for improving our garden. Together with three interested participants, the BHSG volunteers would like to share this important moment.      
Some  of their ducks for poultry

Aside from chickens, goats, and fish, they also planted fruits and vegetables for the people involved in their projects and the surplus goes to their little 'farmer's market' near the area organized by women farmers called KNBL. As they are using spring water for the farm, they installed a hand pump machine for lifting the water up so it can reach the areas that are high. 

Hand pump for supplying water to elevated areas 

Cacao bean nursery for making an income for some of the group's expenses/financial needs 

During the event, before exploring the different parts of the farm, we had lectures and exchange of ideas on green revolution, organic farming, alternative energy, and sustainable agriculture. Through this, we had the opportunity to explore each other's perspective and idea on organic gardening/farming.

Some of the pigs they want to keep for home bio-gas

For so many years, this group is also growing and saving varieties of organic native and imported rice for donations or supply to other farmers here in Mindanao. 

Different varieties of rice

During the last day of the activity we tackled many issues, principles, advantages and other possibilities regarding sustainable farming. After we had lunch, we discussed and learned about different ways of making natural fertilizers and bio-pesticides. Some of the inputs we've discussed are:

1. Fermented Plant and Fruit Juice
2. Lactic Acid Serum (Rice Wash)
3. Fish Amino Acid
4. TEA Fertilizers and
5. Vermiculture

Again, the BHSG volunteers would like to give thanks to METSA/KNBL Farmer's Association for this wonderful event.   

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